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Change of State

2018 Summer Exhibition

May 12, 2018 to September 22, 2018
Every Friday, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Every Saturday, 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM Every Sunday, 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Beverly Acha
Eman Alshawaf
Kyle Bauer
Carrick Bell
Cynthia Bittenfeld
Tyler Bohm
Amy Boone-McCreesh
Geoff Booras
Hannah Brenner-Leonard
Christy Chan
Catherine Chesters
Lucinda Dayhew
Delano Dunn
Douglas Eberhardt
Huckleberry Elling
Walker Esner
Shannon Finnegan
Carrie Fonder
Katie Ford
Yoav Friedlander
Marjolaine Gallet
Ghost of a Dream
Kelly Goff
Rachel Gordon
Rachel Guardiola
Jeila Gueramian
Morgan Hamilton
Kelsey Harrison
Christopher Kardambikis
Henry Klimowicz
Tina Kohlmann
Anna Landa
Seth Larson
Anne Mailey
Norm Magnusson
Alex Makenzie
Ashley May
Kelly McCafferty
Chip McCall
Danielle McCoy
Dain Merganthaler
Emmy Mikelson
Natalia Nakazawa
Julia Norton
John O'Donnell
Chris Oliver
Nara Park
Janel Schultz
Charles Sommer
Ryan Speth
Corinna Ray
Calvin Rocchio
Kari Reardon
Jon Reichert
Trina Robinson
Kristina Rolander
Kat Ryals
Eric Simmons
Melissa Staiger
Aaron Storck
Rebecca Uchill
Allison Wade
Jesse Walton
Johanna Winters
Eleni Zaharopoulos

Curated by:
Guest jury:

As we enter our tenth year of programming at the Wassaic Project, we are more than ever thinking about the cultural lens through which we view art. What do we each bring to a work when we consume it? This year's exhibition, Change of State, showcases art created during a time in which many people in our country have felt divided, angry, vindicated, or confused — and the works reflect these changes and challenges. Consider the individual pieces as you move through the space. You will see elements of nostalgia, fantasy, failure, hope, fear, love, anger, and chaos. Consider who you are, not the groups you identify with, and attempt to welcome each artist's intentions without your own biases. While not all of the works are political in the traditional sense, it is worth considering the charged political climate in which they have been created and the rural community in which they are being viewed.

Works for sale ->


Beverly Acha
Eman Alshawaf
Kyle Bauer
Carrick Bell
Cynthia Bittenfeld
Tyler Bohm
Amy Boone-McCreesh
Geoff Booras
Hannah Brenner-Leonard
Christy Chan
Catherine Chesters
Lucinda Dayhew
Delano Dunn
Douglas Eberhardt
Huckleberry Elling
Walker Esner
Shannon Finnegan
Carrie Fonder
Katie Ford
Yoav Friedlander
Marjolaine Gallet
Ghost of a Dream
Kelly Goff
Rachel Gordon
Rachel Guardiola
Jeila Gueramian
Morgan Hamilton
Kelsey Harrison
Christopher Kardambikis
Henry Klimowicz
Tina Kohlmann
Anna Landa
Seth Larson
Anne Mailey
Norm Magnusson
Alex Makenzie
Ashley May
Kelly McCafferty
Chip McCall
Danielle McCoy
Dain Merganthaler
Emmy Mikelson
Natalia Nakazawa
Julia Norton
John O'Donnell
Chris Oliver
Nara Park
Janel Schultz
Charles Sommer
Ryan Speth
Corinna Ray
Calvin Rocchio
Kari Reardon
Jon Reichert
Trina Robinson
Kristina Rolander
Kat Ryals
Eric Simmons
Melissa Staiger
Aaron Storck
Rebecca Uchill
Allison Wade
Jesse Walton
Johanna Winters
Eleni Zaharopoulos


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