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Take a Selfie of Me

Christy Chan, All Is Not Lost, 2019

September 21, 2019 through November 23, 2019

Christy Chan
Jeila Gueramian
Sarah Friedland
Jonathan Schipper
Caroline Partamian & Ethan Primason

Curated by:
Guest jury:

Installed in public spaces across the hamlets of Wassaic and Amenia, Take a Selfie of Me is a six-person exhibition that plays with spectacle and with social media’s voyeuristic, performative grasp. The pieces in the show are far from didactic and do not exist to warn of the perils of surface interaction. Instead, they are real, dimensional, and exciting to engage with in-person — tempting as backdrops for selfies, but far more rewarding of private engagement.

We are grateful and incredibly excited to program outside of our walls and in our community. This show is supported and underwritten by the New York State Council on the Arts, and could not take place without the cooperation and excitement of the landowners and organizations collaborating with us throughout Wassaic and Amenia.

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Christy Chan
Jeila Gueramian
Sarah Friedland
Jonathan Schipper
Caroline Partamian & Ethan Primason


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